Papa's Problem

Patrick Kendrick worked a duel career as a fire fighter and freelance journalist before turning to write fiction full time. As a freelance writer, he published articles and short stories in numerous newspapers and magazines. One of those assignments brought him into contact with a serial killer that he corresponded with for several years...until the killer began to threaten him and launched a series of lawsuits against him. The killer was eventually murdered in prison but his frightening and graphic "diaries" describing his crimes became the basis of "Extended Famlily." And now, that story is told in the true crime thriller: "American Ripper: The Enigma Of America's Serial Killer Cop."
Kendrick was knighted by the Fraternal Order of Police for his articles on crime. He's won honorable mentions from the Mystery Writers of America and the Beverly Hills Film Festival, the Opus Magnum Discovery Award from the Hollywood Film Festival and his first Florida Book Award for his novel, "Papa's Problem." "The Savants," won his second FBA.
He lives in South Florida and when he is not writing, spends as much time as possible in, on, or under the ocean.